Our $330M Fund III and Beyond: Why PowerPlant is Broadening its Vision, and What It Means

Dan Gluck and Mark Rampolla — September 12, 2022


When we cre­at­ed Pow­er­Plant Part­ners in 2015, we want­ed to be the go-to investor for plant-based con­sumer food and bev­er­age com­pa­nies. And, as one of the orig­i­nal impact and well­ness-focused firms, we think we’ve lived up to that mis­sion. 

We closed Pow­er­Plant Ven­tures III L.P. (PPV Fund III) with $330 mil­lion last spring and we are beyond excit­ed.

Over the next few years we will invest between $15 mil­lion and $40 mil­lion in plant-based food & bev­er­age, food-tech and sus­tain­able CPG as active, pri­mar­i­ly minor­i­ty, investors. And we’ve already start­ed, with new invest­ments in Miyoko’s Cream­ery, Liq­uid Death, Par­take Brew­ing and SYSTM Foods, a roll-up strat­e­gy that acquired and com­bined Chameleon Cold-Brew and REBBL.

Why? Because as co-founders we are both per­son­al­ly com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing those who put peo­ple and the plan­et first. Fund III will allow us to deep­en and grow our efforts to find, fund and scale break­through com­pa­nies that are build­ing a health­i­er, more sus­tain­able future.

As we look to the future of Pow­er­Plant, we are also excit­ed to share that we will be expand­ing into con­sumer tech­nol­o­gy, ser­vice and enable­ment com­pa­nies that put human and plan­e­tary life at the cen­ter of their busi­ness­es. With our expan­sion, we are doubling down on what we know works in the con­sumer-well­ness space to offer a more inte­grat­ed sup­port net­work for our port­fo­lio com­pa­nies. We’ve more than dou­bled our team over the past few years and con­tin­ue to hire top-tier tal­ent, and with this addi­tion­al cap­i­tal we’ll expand on those efforts while devel­op­ing a deep bench of indus­try-lead­ing oper­at­ing advi­sors and part­ners. This top-tier sup­port for port­fo­lio com­pa­nies, along with our own exper­tise as oper­a­tors, is one of the key dif­fer­en­tia­tors for Pow­er­Plant and now we’re going big­ger with it, apply­ing our expe­ri­ence to a wider range of impact busi­ness­es.

We wouldn’t be here with­out the sup­port of our lim­it­ed part­ners. The net­work we’ve built over the years and the suc­cess we’ve all seen in con­sumer-fac­ing food & bev­er­age and CPG has put the firm in a unique posi­tion to source invest­ments that are aligned with the peo­ple and plan­e­tary health mega­trends you see every­where. Even in the midst of all the ongo­ing mar­ket volatil­i­ty, the strong com­mit­ment we’ve received from our LPs has not gone unno­ticed and we are beyond grate­ful for your trust and sup­port.

Now let’s get to work!

PPV Fund III is open for busi­ness and we want your help. We want deal flow, we want tal­ent and we want input. This expand­ed focus on broad-based sus­tain­able busi­ness­es is an amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to scale our reach and impact as investors, but we can’t do it alone. Give us a call, reach out, and let’s put this cap­i­tal to work build­ing a bet­ter future for every­one!

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