This CEO left an exec job at Airbnb to start her own baby formula company

Morgan Smith - CNBC — August 3, 2023


Lau­ra Modi wasn’t look­ing for a rea­son to quit her job as she walked the aisles of her local phar­ma­cy at 3 a.m. — she just want­ed to find some­thing to calm her cry­ing new­born.

Instead, hid­den between a rack of mag­a­zines and dis­count­ed bot­tles of sun­screen, she found a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar busi­ness idea: organ­ic baby for­mu­la.

In 2017, when Modi’s daugh­ter turned one, she decid­ed to quit her job as Airbnb’s head of hos­pi­tal­i­ty and set out to cre­ate a baby for­mu­la with clean­er ingre­di­ents.

Read the full sto­ry from Mor­gan Smith on CNBC.

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