Veggie Grill Builds a Vegan Empire

March 6, 2021


Months into the pan­dem­ic, most peo­ple can agree they have formed new habits, some healthy and some not so healthy. Even before this spring, a lack of access to healthy food was a real prob­lem in the Unit­ed States. Veg­gie Grill co-founder and exec­u­tive chair­man T.K. Pil­lan set out to cre­ate a restau­rant that offers healthy and deli­cious food.

Veg­gie Grill offers curat­ed and con­ve­nient plant-based meals along with a wel­com­ing space for cus­tomers to learn about veg­an­ism. This week on the Retail Gets Real pod­cast, NRF Man­ag­ing Edi­tor Kris Stew­art and Jill Dvo­rak, vice pres­i­dent of con­tent and retail strat­e­gy, join Pil­lan to dis­cuss con­sumers’ grow­ing demand for sus­tain­able plant-based din­ing options, the val­ue of part­ner­ships, and a behind-the-scenes look at how Pil­lan is com­mit­ted to cre­at­ing a health­i­er and kinder future.

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