VP Julianne Hummelberg on Clean Beauty and the Opportunity to Support the Next Generation of Beauty Entrepreneurs

Julianne Hummelberg — April 20, 2022


What does the clean beau­ty move­ment have in com­mon with the ‘bet­ter for you’ food move­ment? Quite a lot accord­ing to our VP of Invest­ments, Julianne Hum­mel­berg, as con­sumers become just as con­scious about the prod­ucts they put on their bod­ies, as those they put in their bod­ies.

Clean beau­ty is val­ued at $5.4B and grow­ing at a CAGR of 12.07% from 2020 to 2027. Lis­ten in to what Julianne has to say here on the cur­rent chal­lenges in find­ing tru­ly non-tox­ic prod­ucts and the invest­ment out­look for the clean beau­ty cat­e­go­ry as con­sumers demand safe and sus­tain­able per­son­al care prod­ucts.

Keep up with Julianne here:

Insta­gram @wellthinhealth

Twit­ter @julesh0407

Medi­um: Julian­ne’s Medi­um

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