Director of IR & Marketing, Sarah Robson, on Why She Joined PowerPlant Partners

June 27, 2023


Today, I am incred­i­bly excit­ed to announce that I’m join­ing Pow­er­Plant Part­ners – a fund that aligns with my val­ues and invests in com­pa­nies that are bet­ter for human­i­ty and the cli­mate.

I grew up out­side of Toron­to, and after grad­u­at­ing uni­ver­si­ty, I moved to NYC where I spent 8 years in sales, invest­ment bank­ing and pri­vate equi­ty. While I had incred­i­ble expe­ri­ences and men­tors there, I dreamed of work­ing for a firm focused on health, well­ness and sus­tain­abil­i­ty where I could build some­thing much greater than myself.

Dur­ing the spring of 2021, I was intro­duced to Dan and Mark, Man­ag­ing Part­ners at Pow­er­Plant, and fell in love with the fund’s mis­sion, peo­ple and cul­ture. The fund’s strat­e­gy – to invest in com­pa­nies that are bet­ter for us and the plan­et – was exact­ly what I had been search­ing for.

Join­ing Pow­er­Plant is one of the most excit­ing mile­stones in my career thus far. It’s rare to find a group of peo­ple who have sim­i­lar pas­sions at and out­side of work, and I can’t wait to con­tribute to the growth and suc­cess of the firm!

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