PowerPlant Partners Closes $330 Million Fund to Back Next Generation Companies that are Better for People and the Planet

September 8, 2022


Today is a very excit­ing day for Pow­er­Plant Part­ners.

We announced the close of our Fund III with $330M where we will con­tin­ue to invest in con­sumer-fac­ing com­pa­nies that are bet­ter for peo­ple and the plan­et. We also share our strate­gic vision for our expan­sion beyond food and bev­er­age plant-cen­tric prod­ucts to include con­sumer tech­nol­o­gy, ser­vice, and enable­ment com­pa­nies that put human and plan­e­tary life at the cen­ter of busi­ness.

“We are thrilled to receive such strong sup­port and com­mit­ment from our lim­it­ed part­ners, espe­cial­ly dur­ing a peri­od of increased mar­ket volatil­i­ty,” said Dan Gluck, Co-Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Pow­er­Plant Part­ners. “This new fund will allow us to deep­en and grow our efforts to find, fund and scale break­through com­pa­nies that are build­ing a health­i­er, more sus­tain­able future.”

Read more here!

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