Katie Martinez Makes Self-Care a Priority in 2022

February 24, 2022


I firm­ly believe one of the best things you can do in life is to sur­round your­self with peo­ple who inspire you to be bet­ter.

When I began my job search in 2021, I knew I want­ed to join a pur­pose­ful, pas­sion­ate, and inno­v­a­tive com­pa­ny that cared about health, well­ness, and its impact on the plan­et. I was excit­ed about the oppor­tu­ni­ty to join a mis­sion-dri­ven com­pa­ny that made me feel ener­gized and inspired to be a bet­ter ver­sion of myself both per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly.

In the fall of 2021, I moved to Marin and joined the team at Pow­er­Plant. Our Mill Val­ley office is sur­round­ed by nature with the Dipsea Trail and Red­wood Trees. We are also equal dis­tance to Mt. Tam and Rodeo Beach – two beau­ti­ful places that I now vis­it often.

For me, it is equal­ly impor­tant to work in a healthy and jubi­lant space as it is to live in one.  In today’s blog, I will share how join­ing Pow­er­Plant has pro­vid­ed me space to grow, learn, and be inspired by my team and the work we do.

Healthy Work Envi­ron­ment

Pri­or to work­ing as an Exec­u­tive Assis­tant, I trained ath­letes of all lev­els with strength train­ing, mind­ful­ness, and self-care prac­tices as a cer­ti­fied per­son­al train­er, yoga teacher, and well­ness coach. As essen­tial as move­ment and exer­cise are to our health, it is just as impor­tant to con­sume foods that fuel your mind and mus­cles. It requires you to be mind­ful and take inven­to­ry of your dai­ly con­sump­tion and the influ­ence it has on your well­be­ing; from what you eat and drink to what you lis­ten to and read, what you give your ener­gy to, and the peo­ple you sur­round your­self with.

The ener­gy at Pow­er­Plant is pow­er­ful. The entire team oper­ates at such a high lev­el that one can­not afford to feel slug­gish or slow. In order to func­tion at an opti­mum lev­el, I must make self-care a pri­or­i­ty. I now wake up two hours ear­li­er each morn­ing for a run to feel bal­anced, meal-prep to stay on track, and read books on improv­ing orga­ni­za­tion, lead­er­ship, and how to care for our plan­et more con­scious­ly. I am inspired to learn and grow in all areas to keep up with my team and our com­pa­ny goals for 2022. I am thank­ful to work with oth­ers who val­ue their health and fit­ness and also push me to stay on top of mine.

In addi­tion to being sur­round­ed by awe­some indi­vid­u­als and amaz­ing plant-based prod­ucts that fuel me up each day, our office space is beau­ti­ful. You can see the top of Mt. Tam from our con­fer­ence room and we have beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al light along with plants, art, and décor that make me feel ener­gized, cre­ative, and hap­py.


I joined Pow­er­Plant a week pri­or to our com­pa­ny off­site in Zion. I feel for­tu­nate to have had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spend an entire week with the team who divides their time in Marin and Her­mosa Beach. While in Zion, I lis­tened to their lessons from 2021 and com­pa­ny goals for 2022. I also learned more about who they are out­side of Pow­er­Plant and feel grate­ful for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with such an inspir­ing group. It is clear set­ting goals, cre­at­ing a game plan, and hold­ing each oth­er account­able as well as offer­ing sup­port to prob­lem solve cre­ates trust, integri­ty, and a growth-mind­set.


Anoth­er perk of com­ing to the office each day is get­ting to bring my dog, Hud­son. We all know how ther­a­peu­tic dogs can be. It has been won­der­ful to take Hud­son up the Dipsea steps or Mt. Tam before work and explore the beau­ty of Mill Val­ley.  It is one of my favorite forms of med­i­ta­tion, also known as For­est Bathing. I am ful­ly present with nature tak­ing in the col­ors of the sky or sur­round­ings, the tem­per­a­ture of the air, the way it smells, the sounds of the birds, and with my favorite side­kick! Being sur­round­ed by nature and the abil­i­ty to explore it with Hud­son makes me joy­ful and hap­py to come to work.  I am extreme­ly grate­ful to be sur­round­ed by pas­sion­ate, kind, and intel­li­gent peo­ple who care deeply about the treat­ment of ani­mals and adore Hud­son as much as I do.

Feel­ing thank­ful to be a part of the Pow­er­Plant team and look­ing for­ward to all we do in 2022.



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