GroundForce Capital Completes Beverage Roll-Up Strategy with SYSTM Foods’ Acquisition of Humm Kombucha

January 11, 2024


Ground­Force Cap­i­tal announces its major­i­ty-owned port­fo­lio com­pa­ny, SYSTM Foods, has acquired Humm Kom­bucha. This acqui­si­tion marks the com­ple­tion of the firm’s first roll-up strat­e­gy.

“After COVID, we antic­i­pat­ed that strate­gics would focus on their core busi­ness­es and cap­i­tal for emerg­ing brands would dry up. How­ev­er, con­sumers still want bet­ter-for-you prod­ucts and entre­pre­neurs are still build­ing great brands. We saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a plat­form where a few great brands could prof­itably grow togeth­er. This approach is work­ing,” said Co-Founder and Co-Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Ground­Force Cap­i­tal, Mark Ram­pol­la.

In 2021, the firm began map­ping the indus­try, iden­ti­fy­ing poten­tial tar­gets, and inter­view­ing oper­at­ing groups with the capa­bil­i­ty to man­age mul­ti­ple brands. Ground­Force Cap­i­tal select­ed SYSTM Foods, an estab­lished team new to the bev­er­age sec­tor but with exten­sive expe­ri­ence acquir­ing and man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple con­sumer brands.

Backed by Ground­Force Cap­i­tal, SYSTM Foods first acquired the func­tion­al pro­tein brand, REBBL®, and then Chameleon Organ­ic Cof­fee® from Nes­tle. The acqui­si­tion of Humm Kom­bucha com­pletes the SYSTM Brands port­fo­lio which is now focused on dri­ving growth, syn­er­gies, and prof­itabil­i­ty across all three brands.

This strat­e­gy builds off Ground­Force Capital’s recent rebrand­ing to expand its reach and invest more broad­ly in food-relat­ed com­pa­nies align­ing with two impact goals: pro­mot­ing healthy and sus­tain­able lifestyles and cat­alyz­ing the tran­si­tion to low­er car­bon and regen­er­a­tive food pro­duc­tion.

Co-Founder and Co-Man­ag­ing Part­ner of Ground­Force Cap­i­tal, Dan Gluck, stat­ed, “The roll-up strat­e­gy under SYSTM Foods is just part of the evo­lu­tion of our strat­e­gy. We see oppor­tu­ni­ties to repli­cate this mod­el in oth­er sec­tors. This move also high­lights our abil­i­ty to iden­ti­fy oppor­tu­ni­ties and suc­cess­ful­ly devel­op and exe­cute invest­ment strate­gies.”

Please see our press release here to read more.

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